
the cursed circus (prologue)

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    This is a story about a circus but these my friend`s is not your happy creepy clowns or the unsure feeling of safe rides that have may or not be tested. No these is a circus has been cursed by witch. Doomed for anyone who inter it these once proud place. Let me tell you the legend of how these circus came to be… and who will be foolish to ignore these legend.    
The circus was founded by women from japan named Akia Fuyu in 1920. She named the circus “The full moon”.  Original from japan she moved it to the U.S to find more talent and to show world culture. The circus became a big hit in the U.S. with its unique look, talent, show, animal’s, and grate food. On each full moon the circus throws a big firework show that said can be seen over 500 miles! But sadly the good times came to a short end when “she” appeared.
    A rich women with powerful connection or some say witch with dark powers. But who aver she was. She was after one person and who was the person? Akia the ring leader and boss of these circus. All the women wants was her. People claimed the women was madly in love of Akia, and some say she wanted some the animal`s she keeps in her circus. And to use for her amusement or dark rituals. When the women asked Akia for her love. Akia said no. the women keeps on asking her and offering many things but as usual Akia keeps saying no. then the women ask her these “I can give you anything you want in the world! Money, power, immortality! Just say it and you can have it! All I ask fore is your love Akia!” she said. Akia looked at the women with pity knowing these women is desperate. Akia said “I’m sorry strange women but I do not need money for I make over enough from circus to feed and care myself and my dear friends who work for me. I do not need power for I run with a kind hand in my circus and treat aver one with respect and so do my animal`s. and I do not need immortality for that I have earn the people love and respect for when my days end. People will remember me and the circus to tell their children and their children`s children and so on. My dear women you cannot give me what these circus and my beloved friends who work for me have already given to me.” The women was furious of what Akia said. The women stormed off the circus yelling cursed words and foul tong. And the next day on the full moon... The circus was on fire.
    The fate of circus was fire. No one survived, Avery thing was burned or was destroyed by the fire. The only thing survived was the tent. And inside the tent stand a black sine with red words saying “who aver inters these cursed circus on the full moon shall feel the wrath of me and my lovely pet! You will be doomed to walk in these doomed circus or be my pet meal! You have been warned!” thus no one dare inters the circus or even tried to tear it down due to mysterious machinery problems or even missing workers. So it sit there left alone. Days, weeks, mouths, years, past and the circus sit there still... Waiting for a person to step in these old run down circus… to be its next victim.  
a story i did  at colloge
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